I am mildly
amused when people assume that I am fluent in Spanish...I have people come
up to me in bookstores and ask me questions "en Espanol" trying to practice
for class...
someone says "Ricky Martin", you either love the guy or you hate him.
try to tell people,"Yeah, but Jennifer Lopez is Puerto Rican, not Mexican."
and nobody knows the difference.
I am slightly
irritated when someone asks me..."Oh your last name is (insert Mexican
last name)? You wouldn't by any chance be related to (insert same
name)...I know they live in a completely different part of the country...but
are you?"
You are
automatically the designated Spanish translator, even if you've only had
three semesters of Spanish.
Other Chicanos
give you attitude if you don't speak Spanish fluently.
assumes you can make tamales.
assumes you're Catholic.
If your
family is Catholic, then someone has made the pilgrimage to San Antonio
to see the Pope.
assumes you think that Julio Iglesias is the ultimate "Latin Lover" *bleah*
Your grandmother
used to whip you in K-Mart (or Target, or Wal-Mart, etc.)
You know
what Sal-Limon is.
You loved
the Snow Cone truck when you were a kid.
You have
recently discovered the ingredients to menudo (the soup) and you are appalled.
If every
once in a while, you lapse into Spanglish...a spanish word for emphasis, sabes?
If you
are not completely fluent, then you at least know how to swear.
Your grandma
watches "historias" most notably "Dos mujeres un camino," or way back when
"Topacio" was showing.
Your grandma
can tell you stories of how "We were here first."
If you
or anyone you know used to be into Menudo (the group).
If you
or anyone you know thinks that Antonio Banderas is a god.
You don't
get why Antonio Banderas is with Melanie Griffith.
If you
resent Mexicans claiming, "No, I'm not MEXICAN, my family is from SPAIN!"
If you
or any of your friends/family watch "Siempre en Domingo" with frequency.
Your grandma
swears that wearing copper bracelets really help joint pain.
Your grandpa
says "gabron" left and right.
You like
You are
grossed out by the things your grandparents eat.
Your parents
and grandparents tell you stories of how they used to have to pick cotton.
You actually
really like Fanta sodas.
You may
know what Jarritos are.
You love
garage sales.
You love
flea markets even more.
For some
unexplained reason, you tend to speak louder when you are with other Mexicans
(especially family).
Your hand
gestures become more dramatic when you are in a loud speaking group of
Your grandmother
has accused you of "making caras."
You think
any major chain Mexican food restaurant sucks.
You always
catch yourself saying,"Yeah, but Taco Bell isn't really Mexican food."
all the time.
If an older
member of your family ever scolded you for throwing away an uneaten portion
of a tortilla. ("Put it back, somebody will eat it!)
You have
to show your friends how to properly drink tequila. (first, lick the salt,
slam the tequila, THEN bite the lime....but swallow the tequila first)
If you
drink hard alcohol, then your favorite may be tequilla.
If you
only drink domestic beer, then you may favor Budweiser.
If you
drink imported beer, then you may fancy Tecate.
All your
friends of different ethnic backgrounds assume your favorite beer is Corona.
At least
your soap operas have a definite ending.
You feel
like you are cheating if you make tacos with taco shells purchased from
the store. Hell, you need to make them on your own!
You cheer
whenever a Chicano does well in sports.
You feel
like you are cheating if you buy a tortilla mix where all you do is add
water. You need to make it from scratch!
You actually
know the words to "la cucaracha."
You or
someone you know owns a portrait of Selena.
Your dad
claims he used to be a "cholo" or a "pachuco."
Latin hip-hop
doesn't sound so bad to you.
You know
who Lil Suzy is.
You can
rap along to "Back to the Hotel."
In grade
school, one of your classmates' main goal in life was to be a lowrider.
You and
your Mexican friends judge Mexican food restaurants by how good the beans
You also
judge Mexican restaurants by the rice.
Your dream
car may be a 1956 Chevy or you may dream of someday restoring that old
If you
are a girl, then you hot-iron curl your bangs and spray them stiff and
you must choose the darkest lipstick available.
If you
are a girl, then you may have that gold red peroxided hair that Chicano
men just seem to love.
When looking
for a doctor, you kinda look for Latino last names.
If you
are taking Spanish in school/college, you get a lot of flak.
If you
take Spanish, you are under the MISTAKEN impression that it will be an
"easy A."
A quincenera
is the ultimate event of the season.
If a distant
relative of yours has a funeral/wedding/anniversary, you MUST attend. No
excuses are acceptable.
Your grandmother
knows EVERYONE..no matter if they just moved into town, she knows their
family...so that's all that counts.
When you
eat beans and rice, your tortilla is your utensil...throw out that fork
and knife!
You just
ain't ethnic without at least ONE Santana CD. (or LP, Cassette, 8-track,
blah blah blah)